

當我跟TA解釋房屋保險的不同保障範圍時,TA也是雲裡霧裡的。有一些人在聽了我的解釋之後,會有興趣進一步了解有關all perils、broad form和named form之間的區別。

Between the two forms of association insurance coverage, the differences are great.
All risk coverage typically covers your association from all perils. There are exclusions, such as earthquakes, acts of war, or terrorism, but the policy covers most events that can befall your property. In fact, the standard all risks policy spells out coverage exclusions rather than listing every covered event. If it’s not excluded, it’s covered.
Broad form coverage covers losses resulting from a wide variety of events, some listed on policy endorsements or in policy language. Typical broad form coverage includes damage from fire, lightning, explosion, windstorm or hail, smoke, aircraft or vehicles, riot or civil commotion , vandalism, sprinkler leakage, sinkhole collapse, or volcanic action, plus falling objects, ice, sleet or snow weight, and accidental water damage.
What’s the difference? Broad form insures only those perils listed. All risk insures all those perils not excluded. All risk insurance coverage is often called “special” form. In general, an all risk policy offers associations much more coverage than a broad form policy .

簡單來說,all perils是法律規定可以不保的內容之外,全保。當然法律規定可以不保的,如地震、戰爭、恐怖活動等險種,你也還是可以花錢買到這種coverage的。

Broad form保的只是列明在保單中的一些險(你必須認真查看保單,不同公司可能會有所不同),如火災、閃電、爆炸、風暴、冰雹、煙霧、飛行器及車輛、暴亂等,當然肯定不保地震及戰爭等。
哪種更好,更適合你?要看你的具體情況,我有客戶就很明確地告訴我,我在五萬以下的損失都無所謂,自己承擔算了,我就保一下自然災害、水火等大的危險,所以,這樣的客戶選擇broad form基本上沒問題(甚至named form都可以)。如果你承受不了一般的損失,你就有必要選擇all perils.

現在市面上有些公司沒有all perils,只有broad form,當然這樣公司的價格肯定是會便宜一些的。

除了上面這兩種形式之外,還有一種叫做named form,先看一下下面這段文字,了解一下什麼是named form:

A named peril insurance policy covers only what is specifically noted in the policy. For example, if it doesn’t say you’re covered for vandalism damages or backed up sewers, you aren’t. Since the named peril insurance policy only covers specific perils, it is usually less expensive than an all-risk or open peril insurance policy. A typical broad form named peril policy would cover fire, windstorm, hail, aircraft, riot, vandalism, explosion and smoke. Flood insurance and earthquake insurance are two other common examples of named peril policies. When coverage is written on a named peril basis, the burden is on the insured to prove that one of the named perils caused the loss.

一般來說,named form基本上不是gueranteed replacement cost, 也沒有single limit。

Named form在財物保險這一塊就是你自己認為要保的,並且告訴保險公司某些東西要保並列明在保單上,除了列明的東西之外,其他的都不保。與all perils兩者的區別在於,all perils如果房屋及財物全損,保險公司按房屋價值的70%來賠付屋裡財物及裝修的價值,而named form只賠原來列明的財物價值減去折舊部分。在房屋及財物全損的情況下,這種賠付金額的差別是極為巨大的。
