(英文部分引用自Ontario Automobile Policy,是官方正規的policy wording的內容,各個保險公司都是根據這個版本來出自己的policy wording.)
Your and other insured persons` responsibilities
You and other insured persons agree:
*To notify us in writing within seven days of any incident involving loss or damage to persons or property ( or, if unable because of incapacity, as soon as possible after that ), giving us full details of the incident and any claim arising from it ;
*If requested, to give us a statutory declaration that the claim arose out of the use or operation of the automobile and that you or other insured persons were using, operation or responsible for the operation of it;
*to help us obtian all necessary information and evidence about the incident, including the attendance of witnesses, and to cooperate, but not financially, in any legal actions if we ask;
*to send immediately to us everything received in writing concerning the claim, including legal documents; and
*not to assume any liability for the incident, or settle any claim, except at your or other insured persons` own cost, and not to interfere in any legal proceeding or in any negotiations we conduct to settle any claim.
We may, on occasion, be required by law to make payments, even though we are not otherwise liable for them under this policy. If so, you or other insured persons will have to reimburse us upon demand for those payments.
Other limitation on your coverage
第一, Property Not covered
Under this section, we won`t cover claims for damage to property carried in or upon the automobile, or claims for damage to other property owned or rented by, or in the care, custody or control of you or other insured persons.
第二節,contamination of peroperty
Under this section, we won`t cover claims arising from contamination of property carried in the automobile.
第三節,Nuclear Hazards
Nuclear energy hazards means radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of substances described in Regulations made under the Nulear Safety and Condrol Act (Canada).
If you or other insured persons are involved in an incident where the loss or damage is directly or indirectly caused by a nuclear hazard, we will pay up to $200,000 if you or other insured persons are covered under this policy for a nuclear hazard and you and other insured persons are also insured under a nuclear energy hazard liability policy. We will only pay after the limits of that policy have been paid out.
這個第三節講的是核能危害的責任承擔問題。內容包括核能輻射、中毒、核爆等。不管被保人是間接或直接捲入核能危害事故,保險公司最多只能賠付20萬元。若被保人同時被任何核能方面的其他保險的覆蓋之下,那汽車保單僅僅能只付其他保險賠付之後與20萬之間的差額部分。 (一般來說,核能都會有商業責任保險,而受害人最多能得到20萬,除非核能方面的保單的保額超出20萬,那無需從汽車保險上索賠,受害人都有可能拿到超過20萬的賠償。)
還要加一句,大家不知有沒有看到英文內容部分經常提到you and other insured persons,這個非常重要,你不知道其中所含的意思,很可能出大問題。這樣的提法就是你家裡任何持有駕照的人都必須加到你的保單裡去(這是保險法的規定也是你的保單所明確規定的,若不加入算是一種misrepresentation虛假陳述)。若出現索賠會引起麻煩。大家千萬別小看法律條文裡簡單的字眼。
(This article is for general information only and should not be considered insurance or any other advice to any party. Individuals should seek the advice of professionals to ensure that any action taken with respect to this information is appropriate to their specific situation.)